The roots of digital transformation can be traced back to the 1940s. Given how fast a personal computer becomes outdated, digital transformation means something entirely different than it did 80 years ago, but it’s gone into hyperdrive lately.
Over the last two years, remote-work collaboration pushed the need for digital transformations in just about every industry. For those who had only dipped their toes in it, the digital transformation learning curve was extreme at the beginning of 2020. But through intelligent collaboration, taking a hybrid approach, and consulting with IT experts, navigating the remote work landscape and all its complexities became less of a struggle.
Rapid Responses
The biggest trigger to adopt remote-work collaboration technology came at the onset of the pandemic when businesses struggled to keep employees in contact with one another in a safe, remote situation. Zoom calls became the norm and are still being used today as remote teams have become commonplace. But it takes more than video conferencing to keep a company afloat today.
While the post-pandemic realities are yet to be fully realized, what has become clear is that virtual collaboration technologies are here to stay. Today, it’s about being dynamic rather than falling back to the traditional business structure. Organizations with proactive people at the helm are able to adapt to change, actively seeking out technologies that promote a new outlook to workflow. One method that has gained popularity is a hybrid-work collaboration model.
The Hybrid Model
Remote-work collaboration truly works. It’s something organizations that hadn’t tried it before learned during the onset of the pandemic. Now, as employees return to the office, some still remain in a remote location, which calls for a hybrid-work collaboration model.
The hybrid model requires intelligent collaboration, which takes several important things into account – not the least of which is cyber security. Working with a third-party professional is the go-to method for bypassing all the trial and error that companies face when trying to set up a hybrid model on their own. For example, when you partner with an advisory services expert that has amassed the knowledge of various telecommunication solutions, IT operations, networking, video conferencing, internet services, voice, and wireless solutions, you get everything you need to build a customized approach that works for your unique needs.
At, we’re experts at hybrid-work collaboration. From rapid assessment and contracting to concierge solutions, sourcing, and advisory and fractional chief information officer (CIO) services, we can help you strategize for a more efficient way of approaching daily tasks. Furthermore, most of our clients need better tech, and we help them get it. Whether it’s contact center or data center, cloud or software-defined wide area networking (SD-WAN), security or video conferencing, we know which solutions will fit your unique needs and we’ll negotiate on your behalf. Find out more about what we bring to the table by contacting us.