Cyber Security Strategies: Protect Your Data and Reputation

June 14, 2021

Nearly 90% of all companies in the U.S. have embraced a digital-first business strategy. Most executives say the digital transformation process has put them in a position to improve operational efficiency. Given the challenges the pandemic has put before so many industries, the more operational efficiency they can gain the better. But the question remains: have organizations thought enough about how the digital transformation impacts their cyber security strategies?

When a company fully embraces a digital transformation there is a lot of planning around managing data. Part of the discussion must be around cyber security strategies because there is so much at risk. For example, Interbrand and Infosys teamed up on an analysis that says the 100 “most valued” brands across the globe are at risk for losing $223 billion in value to data breaches.

Approaching Your Cyber Security Strategy

First and foremost, companies – regardless of how large or small – must recognize that cyber security risks are out there. Just because you’re a small fish doesn’t mean you don’t have a target on your back, so to speak. Cyber criminals are out to get their hands on any data they can, not just the big guys. The next step is to look for areas within your microcosm where vulnerabilities lie.

Rather than wait and react to an attack, preventative measures need to be taken, because you can lose more than money in a cyber attack – your reputation can also take a massive hit that might sink your brand. Prevention for many companies looking to augment their cyber security strategies involves embracing various digital tools that make the process easier in order to protect you and those around you, including your providers, suppliers, and anyone else who is closely linked to you.

Technology: Where to Invest?

If you’re going to talk about implementing new technology, you’re going to come upon artificial intelligence (AI) sooner or later, particularly in the cyber security space. AI brings actionable insights into view, which would otherwise be obscured. These blind spots are essentially windows of opportunity for cybercriminals, but with AI, you can become proactive in your efforts to protect your data.

AI brings machine learning capabilities to the forefront, which can be used to automate various aspects of your monitoring process. You can also put emergency protocols into place and either prevent altogether or significantly reduce damage caused by a breach or attempted breach.At, we’re committed to addressing the cyber security concerns of our clients and connect them with the best possible solutions — ones that are a perfect fit for their unique needs. We know that most IT disasters begin with the wrong choices; we’re here to help you make the right ones the first time around rather than go through a risky trial and error phase. Contact us, and let’s talk about how we can help to keep your data safe and secure.

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