Post-Pandemic Cyber Security: Cloud-Based Solutions Rule the Day

September 12, 2022

More than two years after the pandemic forced companies into remote work, the post-pandemic workplace does not bear much resemblance to its pre-pandemic version. While some employers are bringing their employees back into the office in an attempt to restore normalcy, others are fully embracing the hybrid model. Companies moving forward with hybrid models have been forced to embrace digital transformation, which for cyber security teams couldn’t have come at a better time.

For organizations where on-premise cyber security solutions were the only roadblock between their system and the criminals, they quickly had to adopt cloud-based cyber security solutions when employees went remote. And as a portion of those employees will remain working remotely, it is clear that the hybrid model is here to stay and cloud-based cyber security will continue to enter into security strategies.

Embracing New Options

While cloud technology certainly isn’t a new option for most companies, as they’ve used cloud-based applications in one form or another, most of these were for specific tasks. Most core business processes were completed using on-premise technology. Embracing cloud-based security tools became necessary during the pandemic.

Many companies found that it was easier to work with a third party to identify the type of cloud-based security platform that fits unique needs. As there are so many available, it can be difficult to pinpoint which one works best for each environment.

Also, for companies that were early adopters of cloud-based cyber security, now is the perfect time to identify newer solutions – ones that can be updated and will help protect against the latest threats.

Risks and Rewards

Along with implementing the right cloud-based security tools to accommodate a hybrid team, companies should also prioritize training. Something as simple as clicking on a phishing email can cause major disruption. According to Tessian, an intelligent cloud email security platform, 47% of tech workers have made the mistake.

Training employees to recognize threats and the important role they have in preventing an intrusion is a critical part of any cyber security strategy. Insider threats often occur because employees aren’t trained to recognize a potential intrusion. Training them to know what to look for and rewarding employees for identifying a threat increases awareness and reduces risk.

Adjusting to the post-pandemic world isn’t without its complexities. At, we work with companies that need assistance leveraging the right cyber security solutions. Our expertise, experience, and relationships with the top technology organizations have positioned us to be a leader in our industry. We can help people manage their IT environment so they are freed up to manage their business. Contact us, and let’s discuss how we can reduce and convert expenses.

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