- Include a copy of your resume. Before you click the send button, make sure that you attached your resume first.
- Use spell check. Not only should you use spell check, you should also read your message and resume aloud to yourself, and someone you know should read it to make sure you didn’t miss anything. Misspelling a word on the first line of your cover letter doesn’t go over well.
- When applying to a Technical job don’t list every protocol on the planet in your list of experience. Proudly displaying DES, 3DES, AES, Blowfish might impress a non technical screener, but when it reaches a technical person for review the assumption will be that you don’t know what you are doing so you are padding your resume.
- If you are responding to a job post in a different city that is not in driving distance from where you live, make sure you note this and explain why you are looking for an out of town job. Otherwise if you are applying for a job in Los Angeles and you live in Nebraska your resume is going to be put in a pile you don’t want to be in.
- If the job posting includes specific salary/compensation and you require double, don’t respond. It obviously isn’t the right place for you.